XCode 3.2 on Snow Leopard works fine with jailbroken iPhone 3.1! And even better: Build & Go works as well as debugging on the device. I tried a couple of different ways to get there, went through a few blogs and here is the conclusion.
Update (21/10/2009):XCode 3.2.1 works fine with iPhone 3.1.2 as well
Xcode 3.2 and iPhone 3.1
- First of all you need a jailbroken iPhone. The procedure for 3.1 is same as for 3.0, only the Pwnage Tool is in new version.
- Follow first three steps of the "Developing for a jailbroken iPhone" guide and disregard completely anything after "Add the special 3.0 sauce:". We are not going to patch the binary this time. Make sure you have installed "Installd Patch" on your iPhone. It is critical.
- Follow the section "I want to compile" from the "Compiling iPhoneOS (3.1) apps with Xcode 3.2 without Provisioning Profile" Guide. At this stage you should be able to compile application and install it on your iPhone. Keep in mind that you have Installd Patch installed. This is something the author was not aware of.
- If you want to debug on your device, all you need to do is to follow only first four steps from the section "I want to install and debug too". This is because you can already install and following the first four steps allows you do debug.
Leftovers from Xcode 3.1.3 and iPhone 3.0
If you made Xcode 3.1.3 work with iPhone 3.0 before following the "Developing for a jailbroken iPhone" guide you may have added "New Run Script Build Phase" for your projects. As it is no longer necessary, you may want to do some housekeeping and get rid of the scripts. Here is how to do it:In order to remove the scripts you need to open your project, then in the left hand pane called "Groups & Files" (the one showing tree view of your project) find "Targets". Expand if necessary and there you should see your app name. Expand again and there you should get a few entries including "Run Script" - which you were looking for. It is described in the documentation included in the XCode (/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/Documentation/DocSets/com.apple.adc.documentation.AppleiPhone3_1.iPhoneLibrary.docset/Contents/Resources/Documents/documentation/DeveloperTools/Conceptual/XcodeBuildSystem/200-Build_Phases/bs_build_phases.html) and illustrated on the left.
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